Saturday, January 7, 2012

Food Cures Everything

"Mingle smash!"
That's how I felt most of last week....There's a certain individual (not a patient) that my coworkers and I have to deal with occasionally - chip on the shoulder, thinks everyone is out to get him, lies, doesn't listen to explanations and then accuses you of withholding information, acts entitled and calls you racist if you don't concede to his demands.  Some adults are worse than kids, I've learned.

After dealing with him I treated myself to not one, but TWO Philly cheesesteak sandwiches (not in one day though).  Oh yeaaaaah.  I've never been to Philadelphia, and so I don't have a frame of reference to judge whether a sandwich is "authentic" or not, but good eats are still good to me even if it's "fake."   The second place I tried was kind of disappointing, though.  I'm not a glutton but that sandwich pictured below was pretty damn skimpy.  I was actually sad.  I always thought it was an unspoken rule of thumb that, for hot sandwiches made fresh, the white part of the bread should never be visible.

Trying to stay focused on studying...It's tough :[  I like listening to Audio Osmosis lectures (by Examkrackers) and reading their study guides to get the facts memorized and learn mnemonics.  For practice problems, Kaplan has better problems that get me used to the "MCAT lingo."


  1. Again I have to profess ignorance over nth american ways. . . what is in a Philly cheesesteak sandwich? Presumably cheese and steak?
    The bottom sanga does look kind of povo. . . .

  2. You know...I have no idea LOL. I know it's supposed to have thinly sliced bits of grilled steak meat and cheese, and then you can add things like grilled onions, peppers, mushrooms, etc based on personal preference. Mine had provologne cheese. I think the sandwich originated from Philadelphia, over on the east coast (I'm on the west). I don't think there's a special way to cook it or a special sauce.
